Utility types
Sections can be coded by devs and configured by business users in the Admin. Learn all of its capabilities.
Suggested Reading
You already know that it’s easy to create a configurable
Section on deco.cx. In this post we’ll outline
all the possible ways that you can declare the props
types and how that
impacts the form we render on deco.cx’s Admin.
Customizing sections
Sections, as regular Preact components, accepts props
as their first argument and use those values in their markup to display texts,
images or configure some behavior.
Usually, these props
are passed in another component, but when you’re using
deco.cx these props are configured in the Admin, which makes it easy for
business users to change content in their Sites.
To declare how these props
will be configured you can use the Typescript
type, specifying which props and their respective type like string
, Array<T>
, etc..
- Section configuration in a deco.cx’s Site.
- Preview of section editing in Admin
Types accepted
The deco.cx editor accepts a subset of types Typescript for section configuration. This is the list of supported types in time:
Native Types
object literal
string options
Special Types
This type renders an image upload widget in the editor, making it possible for users to upload images from their own computer.
The type is a wrapper for string
, so the Section will get the URL of the
image that will be hosted on deco.cx servers.
Optional: deco.cx provides a component that optimizes the image loading and can be used in conjunction with this property. Example:
Similar to Image, properties with this type will be edited through a video upload widget.
Enriching the editor
When using native types, the editor will use the prop’s name as the input Label by default. But it’s possible to customize this using JSDoc tags.
- Example: Section code:
- Editor:
The available tags are fields compatible with
JSON Schema, i.e. @title
, @description
among others. For example, to accept emails only:
Other types of valid formats are: uri
, color
. You can read more about it in
annotations doc.
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