
Loading fonts can impact the time to first contentful paint, layout shift, and overall page speed index.

To optimize font usage, it is recommended to:

  1. Use the default Theme section in the deco template.
  2. Prefer using one of the default font families offered by Google.
  3. If you need a custom font, use a small-sized font and prefer the woff/woff2 formats.

Fonts in the deco theme

The Themes component in deco is already prepared to use optimized fonts offered by Google through the GoogleFont font loader.

Custom Fonts

To use custom fonts, it is recommended to use a font preferably in the woff/woff2 format and with a small file size (less than 25kb).

This font can be served statically by placing the file in the static directory.

Then, in the Theme space, in a specific theme, simply specify the font name and the associated style guide. For a font in the file static/my_font.ttf, use the following style:

@font-face {
  font-family: 'Poppins';
  font-style: normal;
  font-weight: 400;
  font-display: swap;
  src: url(/live/invoke/website/loaders/asset.ts?src= format('truetype');

important: The font is cached in our CDN and users’ browsers. If it is necessary to replace the font and eliminate the user’s cache, add a parameter like ?v=2024_01_01 to the font URL to invalidate the original cache.

The font-display: swap allows the browser to use a fallback font until the actual font is loaded. This speeds up the rendering of text content but may impact layout shifting.

tip: An alternative is to use font-display: optional, which allows the browser to activate the fallback font only if the user’s connection is slow.