On the releases screen, it is possible to evaluate the different editing environments (environment) of the site, as well as the different publications (releases) made. Each editing environment offers a unique space for multiple users to make changes and send those changes to production (to the official site address).

When making any changes to the site, the environment selector indicates that there are changes made in the current environment. The Staging is the default environment and starts without any changes. This is indicated in the top right corner, in the environment selector. The name staging, without an associated number and in green, indicates that the current environment does not differ from the production environment.

To publish an environment, it is necessary to go to the publish option. There, it will be possible to check the changes made, as well as publish them to the production address. Note that each environment can make changes independently. Before publishing a change, or whenever necessary, the user will perform a Rebase.

The rebase process translates into incorporating the current state of the production environment into the own environment. Keep in mind the following usage tips about environments:

  • To make a set of changes, do it in a separate environment. This allows you to see changes that are specific to that environment.
  • For example, create a home environment for changes to the home page, or header for changes to the global header, or a blackfriday environment for specific changes related to an event.
  • If you want to test changes, but they will be discarded, create an environment like draft or test.
  • When starting to work in an environment, and also before publishing changes, perform a rebase and test the page. This ensures that the current environment will have what is in production plus the changes made.

Let’s give an example of changes in a scenario with two environments: staging and matheus. The following actions were performed:

  1. One or two users made a total of two changes in the staging environment.
  2. One user made a change in the matheus environment. At this point, both environments diverge from each other and differ from the production environment.
  3. A publication is made from the staging environment. At this point, the current state of the staging and production environments are the same.
  4. In the matheus environment, a user performs a rebase. This way, the matheus environment incorporates the changes that were made from staging, but keeps the existing change.
  5. Next, a publication is made from the matheus environment. At this point, the matheus environment and production have the same state.
  6. Finally, staging performs a rebase, ensuring that all environments are in the same state.

Environment (development environments)

An environment represents a workspace where it is possible to make a set of changes or modifications that can be published. Every environment is shareable: meaning multiple users can make changes in the same environment, so that all changes can be published at the same time.

O Staging é o ambiente padrão e inicia sem alterações. Isto é indicado no canto superior direito, no seletor de ambientes. O nome staging, sem um número associado e na cor verde, indica que o ambiente atual não difere do ambiente em produção.

Releases (Lançamentos)

Releases contém o histórico de todas as versões publicadas do seu site e permite que você restaure para versões anteriores, se necessário.

Passo a passo

  1. Apenas o primeiro lançamento representa o estado atual no site. Procure a versão para qual deseja retornar e acesse a operação de Revert.
  2. Essa operação irá restaurar o código para o estado anterior, incluindo alterações no estado da páginas e código do repositório.